About us
Own it is het online platform van Shell Pensioen over geldzaken en pensioen, ontwikkeld door en voor vrouwen. Own it is bedoeld voor alle vrouwen die pensioen opbouwen of opgebouwd hebben bij Shell Pensioen. Neem de regie over jouw financiële toekomst.
Own it. Your read to financial happiness.
Why is Own it exclusively targeted at women?
Research shows that women respond differently to communication about financial matters and pension than men. This is also true at Shell. As a result, Shell Pension developed “Own It,” a platform specifically designed for women, to better cater to their needs. The success of the initial edition has encouraged us to expand the platform further. We customise our communication for various audiences to ensure everyone is aware of their pension options. We tailor our communication for various audiences to ensure everyone understands their pension options. While inclusivity and equal treatment are important to us, providing access to information that resonates with individuals is equally important. The platform is open to all participants.