Steal the show with 5 fantastic gifts around €25

Text FRANÇOISE SCHUKKING  Photography SHELL  |  3 minutes

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It's the most... wonderful time... of the year. But whether your bank account feels the same is the question. To help you out: 5 top gifts around €25.

DIY-cooking kit

Choose a tasty dish and put together a cooking kit with all the ingredients needed for this. Add a recipe and a personal note. You can also propose to make this together.

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Mini garden set

For the green-fingered enthusiast, a mini garden set complete with seeds, potting soil, and charming plant pots is ideal. This gift allows the recipient to grow their own herbs or flowers. Healthy and sustainable.

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A unique set of postcards

Every museum shop - from the Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht to the Groninger Museum - has a series of postcards depicting unique pieces from the collection. Charming gesture to surprise your friends and acquaintances.

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Voucher for an experience

Not stuff but an experience. That's what you give with this voucher. This can be a lesson in painting, horseback riding or cooking, but it can also be a trip in a hot air balloon. Be creative.

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Personal photo book

Create a personal photo book with memories. You can easily put together your own photo book via websites such as Albelli, CEWE, Fotofabriek or HEMA. This way you create a personal keepsake that everyone likes to receive.

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The Good Old paper diary. From Nibud, for example, with useful financial tips Nibud Agenda 2025 | Nibud Webshop. But there are so many beautiful and very nice paper diaries for sale. (Available in Dutch only). 

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