“Money can and should be fun”

Text IRENE SCHOENMAKERS Photography TIM BUITING  |  4 minutes

From €40,000 in debt to hundreds of thousands in savings. Renée Lamboo (39) managed to turn her financial life around. Through her platform, PorteRenee, she shares her knowledge and experiences with millions of people. Renée: “My mission is to make money fun and understandable.”

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Renée Lamboo

The journey to financial freedom
Renée teaches her followers, readers, and course participants how to handle money wisely — and she speaks from experience. She is highly educated and earned a good living as a freelance journalist. "But when my relationship ended, I was left with an unsellable house and a debt of €40,000," she says.

Budgeting, living frugally and organizing her finances enabled Renée to clear her debt within three years. Today, she runs one of the largest independent personal finance platforms in the Netherlands: PorteRenee. “On the platform, you’ll find everything you need to know about saving, cutting costs, investing and other financial matters,” she explains.

Changing the conversation around money
Renée’s work doesn’t lack attention from the Dutch Media. With coverages in big outlets such as Linda,Max Vandaag, NRC and  AD, her stories and financial tips resonate with its readers. “Money is often seen as complicated, and there’s still a taboo around the subject, which is a shame,” Renée says. “Money can actually be fun and easy to manage. Everyone can invest and save for retirement—it’s not just for white men in suits.”

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